To get the show you must download all the parts of the RAR file and use software to un-archive it. I've archived the files for each concert into one or more 100 MB RAR files - even though mp3 and FLAC files don't compress - in order to keep all the files together for easy downloads. If you enjoy this music pass it on you may give this music or URL to others.
None of the music here has been commercially released nor has freely trading been prohibited by the artist. Many artists state that these ROIOs (Recordings Of Independent Origin) may be freely shared, but not sold. Many amateur recordings of live concerts are available on the Internet. I like some musicians so much that a few years ago I started collecting amateur recordings of live concerts to add to my CD collection. When I really like a musician I often buy all the recordings available. Owning an iPod and a Droid phone means that a lot of time formerly wasted waiting somewhere can be spent listening to music. I love music and I spend a lot of time listening.